Note: The name is inspired by the song the band Reverie The Morning Of
Chapter 2.
"I do not agree with this, Claire. "Please," pleaded with Castiel rueful expression. I'm tired of seeing my mother in that state, provided by the window waiting for Dad to return. I only ask for an exchange, I for him.
"Your father would not approve," I lookedwas human in seconds, so lost and scared. Would use your body to satisfy my desires.
would be my desire, too, "replied sadly. I could never forget the sight of his soul, how beautiful it is ... How could I not love that? How would do anything to reach him? "No ... I'm supposed to feel
-installed anguish in his eyes the girl was heartbroken.
"Thursday of next week will perform eighteen. Ser & eacute; adult, he stood up and stopped at Castiel. It is my choice to say 'yes'. I want to say 'yes' that day.
flutter of wings swept the four walls, the room suddenly became spacious Claire when she was alone. OoO
Dean was really quiet the last three days. Sam looked at him accusingly, and had exhausted his methods make him kind of drop the bomb and was seriously considering to try the hard way.
The only problem was that Dean did not react to anything. Neither the 'please' or threats.
His mind was pretty fucked from Claire Novak's visit, but it really was on vacation when he got Cass appeared before him. was crazy ...
. saw no other word better.
did not know whether to rejoice or jumping off the Chrysler Building, though a part of him was more inclined to the latter.
Cas ... actually it was hanging. And no, it was that Dean had not asked directly, was enough to see her face when she mentioned the visit of the girl and her 'Castiel is in love with you', his face was pure horror, more intenUnto Claire. Is Dean suddenly exuded pheromones and all ended after his ass or what? It's a girl for heaven's sake, has hardly stopped playing house and he was not a damn pedophile. Did not understand what was so fascinating that raised the babies from their cribs. And neither wanted to find out, thanks.
Exhale with a blank mind, as if someone had pressed reset.
Suddenly I had no idea what the hell was.
Cas was like a friend, right? Dean always end up leaning on it while the angel's hands LLEnas celestial problems. Even now that he had just recovered the real Sam, he was the one who always pedíaa Cas, but never give anything back, which I did apart from selfish asshole, fuck it I was doing perfect. If asked about love, yes, the hunter believed to Castiel, but that was completely different to what he professed Wings. Oh, if I could not even out of your head your face when I confirmed that I loved him. Was as recorded in the fire on his head, forgetfulness and proof of a guilty pleasure as it were, during the night Dean evoked the sound of his voice saying 'is true'.
Then came the s & eacute, optimal night since he knew that an angel teníaa love with him. I was hysterical and tired of the inquisition sessions Sam. So opted for the method Winchester uncomfortable confessions: get drunk.
- Do you really want to know that shit happens to me Sam? "She screamed as the bottle of Johnny Walker was dancing in her liver, her brother looked at each expectant and apprehensive, I fucked up again Sam! I happen to love a fucking angels!
- What do you mean Dean? He asked, raising his hands ina reassuring gesture. For some reason he feared his brother jumped on to slaughter in a fit of uncontrolled anger.
- De Cas! What is less asshole another angel that he, Sam? "I growled sipping the last sip of his glass up empty. Cas is in love with me.
Big Foot was speechless. Silent courage.
- Is that why you do this scandal? "Questioned sitting beside her on the bed. Dean, Cas is not in love with you yesterday. It has been since he chose not to continue playingrpa in Heaven, only because you could not see it until now no reason for you to enter a state of alcoholic depression. - When did you know? "His hands fidgeting with the glass, avoiding looking at him.
"Hey ... From ... Always? "The biggest shot in the eye. Please Dean. It was like a flashing neon sign above his head, 'I love Dean. " And as you look. Seriously, it was not difficult to discover Sam-Dean snorted and watched with a resigned smile "What is really the problem, brother?
-Tperiod this is wrong. Cas we are talking about here, a male angel in a container and not be homophobic but I do not like men. And that's not all, their eyes focused on Sam, so sad and lost the little Winchester was affected. Remember the daughter of Jimmy Novak, Claire?
"Yes, I remember, 'said while observing. "She was the one who told me about Cas-closed his eyes tight and breathe in slowly before turning to his brother expectantly. And not only that Sam. She is engaged to me also &
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