Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean / Claire! Castiel (and read), Claire Novak, Sam Winchester.
Disclaimer: The characters are Kripke, this aberration is my business.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: It builds on the events of 4x20 and then placed in the sixth season.
Synopsis: Claire Novak can not forget what he saw when Castiel was in his body, the most brilliant and beautiful soul who has seen jam & aacute; s: Dean Winchester.
Note: The name is inspired by the song the band Reverie The Morning Of .
Chapter 1.
When Claire Novak was fifteen he understood. As expected, the teen took the step towards puberty and thus intense emotions.
Like love.
Or rather, he realized that he had been the last two years in love.
Getting together with friends to watch soap operas where the poorgirl falls for the most popular kid in school was the first step. Of course the plot was excited, but there were times (more frequent) that unconsciously changed the actor's blue eyes by lush, dark hair blond hunk was becoming the complexion I covered freckles to almost a whisper. The girl recognized the faces of Dean Winchester and when it was absorbed with that mental image, the small shock that Ashley, her best friend, gave him devolvíaa reality.
watched the love, too, from another perspective. From his mother. Amelia Novak Jimmy thought every day, without fail, and although he was smilingand affectionate with his daughter, Claire always felt the sadness in the corners of her mouth when she laughed at the edge of his eyes abstracted focusing the window, hoping that one day her husband returned home.
Claire loved him, missed his father and although he no longer asked so often by his disappearance, she knew almost no one would believe if you tell the truth. Who would believe all of a sudden your father is being possessed by an angel?
Oh, the angel Castiel.
The memories he has of possessing it areconfusing, vague. I would not be aware of what happened were it not for his mother told him everything, but yet she has a secret. When asked Amelia what corner she said nothing, which was not a lie, because what was fresh that incident were not actions, they were feeling. Haber
referred to Dean Winchester through the eyes of Castiel is hard to describe. Was the light in his chest was the transparency of their eyes and ... he was the strong feeling that Castiel was flowing through his body. Intense, painful but inevitable. Now, years later, Claire pod & afail, Claire could not anticipate a plan B. Her mind was overflowing with images, now more powerful as before, and could only distinguish them green eyes and your heart became deafening.
He sat on a bench near the statue of a querubíny closed his eyes.
His voice low and fragile called Castiel until the church bells announced the mass and Claire was so tired and disappointed he chose to go home. When he arrived he met with his mother in the kitchen and the table set. Although tried not to show their worth, A "Because I'm ..." embarrassed and looked down the voice was a sigh when you confided in love with him. Just like you.
The angel was speechless.
Oh, no.
Sam had gone out to get breakfast when Dean woke up. They were in Illinois for a new case and so far not been able to find the nest of vampires who had already attacked ten girls. Inevitably, the Winchester recalled when he was a bloodsucker and nearlyLisa and Ben end, so last night was a civilized discussion with his brother for ten minutes before giving up and going to bed. I did not want to read on disappearances in the newspaper and although his experience made him less maníaa vampires have him, remained faithful to his idea of cutting off the head.
reached to dress as she felt the flutter of wings on their backs, but nothing prepared him to see who was at the center of the motel room. Claire Novak
nervously watched him, his body had won several centimeters in height, won curves and blond hair had grown since the timehe saw her.
"You ...
, did not know how to begin. Still, he tried to be patient and do not make a mistake with the teenager. What are you doing here? Did something happen? Cas And where is it? -Ok, he tried.
"It is not nothing wrong, just asked a favor Castiel seemed less tense now, though his voice still had let nervousness.
- ... And what to do with me? "Even if nor intended sounded rough and when the girl saw the floor looked distressed approached him. Sorry, do not mean to sound heavy. It's just that ... this is weird, no offense.
"Yes, yes. I understand, "Claire looked up, her blue eyes ... had some flashes of joy, transparency and something a bit worried that I only wanted to talk to you.
-Ok. What do you want to talk? He raised his eyebrows curiously and smiled a small smile.
& monces perhaps would not be so ... suspicion. Not to mention that she was the daughter of Jimmy Novak.
-Castiel is in love with you, Dean.
Oh ... Shit.
- Cas What ... what?
"That had to be a joke, that is, he had realized. No, not even that, they were talking about Castiel, an angel, was most unreasonable.
"I'm not kidding," the girl cut off immediately, frowning almost made him look adorable. I saw throughtheir eyes. There was only love you and that light ... "He paused, blinking slowly and avoid looking. That light was your soul. It was bright and warm and the desire to protect her Castiel was intense. Dean
exhaled loudly, as if he had been holding the right hand respiracióny passed over his face. Perhaps he was still half asleep, he thought rubbing the bridge of the nose with thoroughness, perhaps to dream ... a dream but was most unreasonable.
- Why I cue
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