Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Rating Between Shark Helmets The last goodbye.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Southpark Fatbeard Stream Time flies without skates ...


And all of your yesterdays Are only a matter of

Keeps running away

No matter what's left behind

It keeps on moving Tomorrow is not in today
And all of your yesterdays
Are only a matter of

Time keeps running away

No matter what's left behind

It keeps on moving Tomorrow is not in today
And all of your yesterdays
Are only a matter of

\college is the best time of your life ... but I doubt the future q I can beat last year at the Lyceum. "regain the discourse I have q q entero.Os swear cried.

There was a time q I thought it was all a chimera, that basically each went his own way and q "my people" had been away from me; q only the "s dim" could understand. Then I showed the q q I separate them and put aside was me .. I was stupid to try to find something and ciega.Lo q siento.Gracias tenía.Estúpida and for letting me correct.

And now for the memory of my group of friends :

Elena and I in Almagro for Qu Route2002


Route of Don Quixote

Trimming the school magazine the weekend trip during the 2003 ... is a bit shabby, but can not find the original.

Our Orla ... ... q handsome kids were all dressed.

been a while, and although it is becoming more difficult to get to agree on 74 of our promotion for meetings of the course (some studying abroad, others are working or in matrimonial regime;-P). Our little group leaving as much as we Nuestrso obligations allows us (ideally every weekend .. heh, heh), although good, because of the fucking exams for almost a month qs, needed to do now.