Friday, March 12, 2010

Kates Playground Strawberry Bikini




Friday, March 5, 2010

Fatbeard Southpark Streaming

I'm home with the leg held high because I have a metatarsalgia, which means one foot hurts me to support him because of boots too Tacony Kavron with some osteoporotic bones. Also I have tendonitis and am taking anti-inflammatory feel me fatal to the stomach. This misfortune that always come in bunches yesterday I had to change the heating boiler and do not say what it cost me. But I'm not evil, that which is falling, that's all volcanic chump change. I am finishing

Dexter, although it was the end, this season I liked it, although it is true that I am not a big fan of this series. Continuing with the fever of the British series I started Survivors, not if you have seen, I leidheel the fans always on the same side, not because it is.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Congratulation Message

these phones to cause such excitement. Overburdened your lj but I think the photos are worth it.
Now I'm going to bed directly into a coma, goodnight my friends, yelling softly please.

Edito, missyjack has photos of the wedding JJ

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Heart Conditions More Condition_symptoms Happy cumpleños Sosse

Many congratulations, kisses, hugs and a couple of Winchester for you alone. Since I have

Conchi labia or the talent photosop Ana, I have made other gifts.

Like this:

Winchesters' Laundry Day
by * Petite-Madame on deviantART

Or this

or a classic like this

pacá Shagged you well Shagged S )))))))))) ((((((((