three hours I go to Switzerland ... how will it be? as we arrive? cn kilos guys get fat Swiss chocolate? XDD ays ... q ilu ... restless ass Gash has a need consejito.No vuelto.X is how to celebrate my birthday, could go to bars cn people from school, fancy auqnk m cn go over new coleguilas nuetsros German aki q are the girls of super salty (but many espniolas q), but x Otar part m irm like to munich, berlin or something .. aunk is a tad expensive, or maybe take a trip q somewhere symbolic to say ... "check" the road to follow kiero q prtir of was 20 .. Well if you have any idea you know.
q tal tdo x these parts? Aki I'm in the computer room at my leisure while tinkering Inma, my forays Seville compiled these lands d walks looking at our trip to Switzerland this finde.Tengo a cocoa dl mental in the head 15, a cn xq as I speak cn English others in Almeida and others in Deveze and cuadno espaniol and a hint of pseudofrances .... XDDD y liam Then we end it all and seems terminmos juntandl q esperanto.En have reinvented the dorm mother putiiiiisimo everything, well menso Yesterday I had a heated discuison q cn a girl about what's nacionalismo.Odio Catalunia q restricted to people ponerese indiganrse red with rage and reason rather than logically and Japs argumentar.Con however great, yesterday I toss a hocn ra Huiko talking (or something) and the kitchen for an hour about japan ... m has been invited to go to his home in Osaka and cn ...;-) espaniol the rets of all good, especially my baby cn q immature'm getting the deck of Carini and really hammer d q have things in common .. the Finnish q will be true .. Well I have beautiful Andalusian genes send a kiss to all q q I have to go to Artz, I have the ears pochos xq .
'm soooo good, aunk still have not been clear that csoas tiemnpo I go wrong .. cross your dedisto x me if you people acordaĆs.En the sculpture is a very nice and the dorm is full of Spaniards frnceses, etc. .. The weather is crazy and that if I m only brought summer clothes I'm going back .. cn otitis, pneumonia and overweight .. XDD super xq chocoltae this time I have NO barato.Bueno most I've been to go shoppings.Cuidaos.Besitosss