Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Kind Of Weave Does Myamee Have Supernatural, fanfic: Reverie, Chapter 18.

Title: Reverie.
Author: [info] lumina_m
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean / Claire! Castiel (and read), Claire Novak, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Balthazar, Gabriel .
Disclaimer: The characters are Kripke, this aberration is my business.
Rating: NC-15
Spoilers: It builds on the events of 4x20 and then placed in the sixth season.
Synopsis: "I want to stay here with you, Sam, Bobby, do not want to over expose and ...

Brazilian Waxing Shape Design Supernatural, fanfic: Reverie, Chapter 17.

knew he had failed.
Note: The name is inspired by the song the band Reverie The Morning Of [info]. Chapter courtesy of Paper Moon and You Already Know.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Panasonic Hdc Sd9 Imovie Hd 5.0.2 Supernatural, fanfic: Reverie, Chapter 16.

MLXC Note:
The name is inspired by the song the band Reverie The Morning Of . Chapter [info] courtesy and Plumb Cut.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Trailer Tents In Brisbane

Title: Reverie.
Author: [info] lumina_m
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean / Claire! Castiel (and read), Claire Novak, Sam Winchester.
Disclaimer: The characters are Kripke, this aberration is my business.
Rating: NC-17 "?
Spoilers: It builds the events of 4x20 and then placed in the sixth season.
Synopsis: It had to be something else. A third option buried somewhere, eager to be found, it is dIJO as he stretched a hand to touch Cas.
Note: The name is inspired by the song the band Reverie The Morning Of .

Chapter courtesy of Led Zeppelin and All Of My Love.
